Medical providers use aggressive collection agencies to obtain payments and sue for money that you owe. It only takes one accident, injury or illness to incur thousands of dollars in medical bills, even if you have health insurance. Whether your medical debt is being pursued by collection agencies or you're been sued or your wages are being garnished, the Law Office of Ivan McCullough can help. We work with clients who owe a large amount of medical debt that they can't afford to pay.
Medical bills are one of the leading causes of financial hardship in the United States. The good news is it is one of the easiest types of debt to deal with in bankruptcy. For those qualifying for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, medical debt is completely eliminated. Those who file Chapter 13 are often required to only pay a small portion of their medical debt. Under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, once the case is filed the collection calls, collection letters and lawsuits are stopped by the automatic bankruptcy stay. Contact the Law Office of Ivan McCullough (931) 422-7086
AuthorAttorney Ivan McCullough practices bankruptcy law from his office in Lewisburg, Tennessee. ArchivesCategories |