In difficult times many people turn to local loan companies for a personal loan or payday loans. These companies will generally loan some amount of money to people regardless of credit history or employment status. The downside is that they charge very high interest and fees. Most people get caught in a trap of borrowing a couple hundred bucks and then having to pay back several hundred in interest and late fees. These companies rely on a business model of making loans to people they know will not be able to pay them back on time. Additionally, they are very persistent in their collection activities...calling constantly and even sending collectors to your house. Often these companies require you to give them a post dated check or put up your personal property such as furniture, jewelry or electronics as collateral. Once a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is filed, these loan companies must stop contacting you or making other efforts to collect. Generally, personal and payday loans are discharged in bankruptcy like other unsecured debt such as credit cards and medical bills. Call attorney Ivan McCullough for a free consultation to discuss your particular options in dealing with personal and payday loan companies. Call (931) 422-7086 Text (931) 548-6879
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AuthorAttorney Ivan McCullough practices bankruptcy law from his office in Lewisburg, Tennessee ArchivesCategories |